Conversations for Possibility

I’m Katy Kent, a coach and facilitator who partners with people, organisations & communities committed to better futures.

So much becomes possible when we really talk to each other, at a level of conversation that’s not always present in every day life.

My work aims to foster the conditions for these conversations, drawing on multiple ways of understanding and knowing; head, heart and body. I work with forms including; coaching, somatic leadership, learning design, embodiment, mindfulness, nature therapy.

Nothing happens in isolation - we are always in relationship to each other and our environment - when we bring greater awareness to the quality of those relationships and collaborate, so much opens up.

If you'd like to talk, please
drop me a line.

Coaching Journeys


Current Projects include:

Reclaiming Agency; Inner work in service of outer action; weekends in nature for creative leaders to responding to a changing climate

Earthed Community: A 6 month residency for nature inspired practitioners, nurturing a ‘learning ground’ towards a regenerative future

School of Life: Faculty member delivering organisational programmes to build emotional literacy and cultivate meaningful, fulfilling lives

Climate Cafe’s: Honest conversations in community or organisational spaces; encouraging sharing and supportive dialogue around climate

Re-Gathering: Finding community and resilience in the meta-crisis; an immersive exploration into the defining challenge of our time

Immersive Weekends